Ana Luisa Muñoz García
Fondecyt #1210477

By collaborating with your story you are participating in the FONDECYT “Mapping the construction of knowledge from a gender perspective” led by researcher Ana Luisa Muñoz García. This project seeks to analyze policies and processes of knowledge construction in higher education systems from a gender perspective. Under the assumption that knowledge is constructed in diverse ways and in different spaces, the objective of your participation is to inform the construction of knowledge about feminisms from activisms. If you agree to participate, you must leave a story about feminist activism. You will not have to share any private information and you will only be asked for profile data (non-personal), a first name without a surname or pseudonym and age (without date of birth), which will be associated with a story and not with a user. You can publish more than one story. You should not mention any personal information about yourself or anyone else in the story. There are no benefits to participating in this study and there are no risks to you by participating in it. No data will be recorded that would allow you to be identified and the stories will not have your own name. Any information obtained in connection with this study will be confidential. It is possible that the story you provide will be used again, but only in scientific research that continues along the same line of research. If you have any questions about this research, you can review the digital security protocol of this project and/or contact Dr. Ana Luisa Muñoz García (

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights as a participant in this study, you can contact the Scientific Ethics Committee of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. President: David Preiss Contreras. Contact:

By clicking “I accept” you declare your consent to participate in this project.